A Mu`adhin who has not announced Adhan in the Masjid for over 20 years


Q: My father (may Allah forgive him) died on 26/3/1417 A.H. in a car accident. He was a righteous person who used to do good deeds, Praise be to Allah! However, like any human, he was not infallible. He was a Mu'adhin (caller to Prayer) in one of the Masjids (mosques) of the village. (Part No. 23; Page No. 419) Only members of two families used to offer Salah in this Masjid. My father used to stay at his farm which is thirty km away from this Masjid and did not go to that Masjid for twenty years. I told him to inform the Ministry of Waqf but he would tell me that the salary he gets is from the money of the state and the country is not in need of it. Now we have a farm, some buildings, and money. The question is, should we deduct the value of his salary for the last twenty years from his wealth and build a Masjid therewith, since he received this salary from the Ministry of Waqf? Or should we distribute all the money to the inheritors? It should be noted that the inheritors are all adults and none of them is under age. Should we add his financial rights to the value of his salary? We appreciate your advice! May Allah reward you. We hope to receive your reply soon.

A: If the reality is as mentioned in the question, it is obligatory to deduct all the money your father received illegally and spend it on the restoration of one of the Masjids, or giving it to the poor as charity.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
